Skyfear | Commits
Last updated Jan 29 2025
What is this?
Tasks that have been completed in Skyfear’s development, broken down
into the months they were completed in. This document is updated about
once a month, but sometimes later. The purpose of this document is to
provide a resource for players to see the game’s development and for
their own information and assessment. Please see Release Cycle for
more information about game updates.
Want to play experimental
If you own a copy of Skyfear, you can switch to the experimental
branch by switching your Steam installation to that under ‘Betas’. (How To Activate Betas)
Note: It is strongly reccommended that you make copies/backups of
your save data before switching branches.
March 2025
Build 261
- GP added to online stat string construction
- Regolith ambient sound slightly mixed better
- Wintertide waterfalls sound lowered slightly
- Crown network relevancy range increased & added more Force Net
Update events
- Several spores underground have had their positions fixed
- Walking in air bug fixed
- Magpoint’s description improved
- Pterosaurs will now be silent and freeze when menus are open
- Fixed scale of images in Spores How To screen
- Increased single player earnings multiplier from 79% to 90%
- Increased custom ruleset earnings multiplier from 29% to 59%
Build 260
- Server password-to-access dialogue fixed (event was just unhooked
for some reason)
- Several console print statements removed; more to go
- Eden’s mysterious sky-leaves rendering glitch fixed
- Fixed/renamed a few buttons with out of date terms
- Storm’s lightning brightness reduced slightly
- Storm’s rain particles reduced slightly
- Volume and frequency of pterosaur screams reduced
- Slightly decreased overal global post processing contrast
- Melee animation getting stuck fixed
- Melee range increased from 600cm to 900cm
- Melee damage fixed; uses full 500 damage now instead of a radial
- Forced check if rolling when Take flight or Land is called, only
continue if not rolling
- Removed forced velocity addition in the Z direction when
- Increased FOV option range from 80-100 to 70-140
- Added option to bots setup: Chatty on/off, enables or disables bots
Game launched on Steam! Build 259
- Finished adding all skins, eyes, to unlocks data & placing
- Fixed out of date map/mode lists for generate new battle
- Fixed out of date wording on some spore elements
- Removed print strings from several areas, need to do more
- Fixed an issue where branches were creating and loading the wrong
save data
- Wiped online data
- Moved data code back to 1, full ecosystem reset
- Built function to estimate server ping based on available
information, when the AdvancedSessionsPlugin doesn’t have a valid
- Rebuilt and reimplimented death animation
- Rebuilt and reimplimented running animation
- Rebuilt and reimplimented walking animation
February 2025
- Tested and fixed some walking movement issues
- Tested and fixed some server travel issues
- Fixed a spore delivery issue
- Added Instance TTS to debug view (time to service in ms)
- Removed testing elements from maps
- Fixed claw mesh issues
- Fixed some vertex-weight issues on character model
- Added 7 new eyes
- Added 15 new skins
January 2025
- Added animation and sound for melee
- Finished Vote to kick feature
- Improved sound effects on spawn and match intro
- Added Code of Conduct to Help menu and Server browser screen
- Reset Battle resets all PlayerState values, including now
community/conduct features
- Finished LAN branch build path and build affects on UX
- Updated Release Cycle
- Updated Content Guidelines
- Updated Code of Conduct
- Server browser network will now say LAN if LAN branch, Network
status if Main/Expr
- Added server and player count to server browser.
- Added ping to server browser results.
- Finished Report Player feature.
- Finished Commend Player feature.
- Finished Mute in Chat feature.
- Brought back geysers in the Lairworld.
- Finished Guardian Points impact on XP and Material delivery.
- Resized Grid (map) geometry.
- Culled/organized all notes to push back anything that isn’t
absolutely critical for launch.
- Cleaned up/disabled physics assets on character – UE4.21’s physics
asset features at the time were very underdeveloped. might make
everybody’s life easier if it just stays untouched until a better
solution is found.
- Cleaned up some runtime warnings being thrown from SeaLevel and
Weather casts occurring too early sometimes
- Rolling on ground now launches you into the air and puts you into a
roll, transitioning you to flight automatically after. A quick get-away
- Added ‘light up rocks’ to Eden, Hollow, & Chasm
- Renamed ‘Dust’ to ‘Material’. This is final.
- Verified there is no level cap - for now
- Increase lifetime of ability frag collection emitter, looks better
this way
- Total level and guardian points (gp) displayed on Career screen
- Created and implimented guardian point actions, actions that
add/subtract conduct points.
- Added ‘guardian points’ - a value that measures your conduct in
- Added ‘total level’ - a value that is a sum of your Spirit, Force,
and Bleed, for simplicity in certain features or conversations
- Added more encouragement texts
- Created ‘LAN party’ branch
- Kill confirmed widget repositioned
- Particle ‘stick’ fx adjusted to stay longer
- Fixed/finished debug “test menu” to make sure it nullifies any XP or
rewards from the current battle
- Reduced camera sway and increased body sway – responsiveness and
snappiness feels improved, without impacting the smoothness of
- Reworded a few in-game menu buttons
- Improved save icon indicator visibility and text, and added to more
places in the game loop where it should’ve been
- Improved ‘lore’ text for maps
- Added more server information to the in-game scoreboard screen
- Adjusted default audio mix, music volume lowered
- Improved/added to map and game mode texts
- Added more loading screen text
- Updated build branch type enum: Main, Expr, LAN
- Updated/build number text functionality/format
- Fixed some issues with XP delivery
- Improved mixing on several sound fx
- Adjusted default health and magic regeneration rates
- Perk system re-work designed, but needs further assessment
- Made ability frags slightly more visually distinct
- Removed “MVP” section from scoreboard as it is not working properly
and the cause cannot be found – plan to re-impliment or do something
better with this later.
- New map under construction…
- Adjusted wording/names of some menu buttons
December 2024
- New/final application icon
- Made ‘ENTER’ also used as text chat focus button, in addition to
previously ‘T’
- Collected new ideas/notes from various games
- Adjusted ban screen to provide more useful/accurate information
- Made sure publishing and main menu assets make the game’s scale and
genre more clear
- Added various flags to chat content
- Added automatic reporting when chat flags are triggered
- Improved text chat censoring and handling of strings
- Fixed/re-implimented chat censoring options
- Wrote a player Code of Conduct
- Fixed an issue with spray attack collisions
- Added more bot chat content
- Conducted research regarding player/community toxicity
- “Leave battle” button moved to bottom of the list in all variations
of the in-game menu
- Removed landing conditions requirement - you can now just tap space
to land in all conditions. Previous implimentation to was to prevent
exploitations that we never really ending up seeing, plus it was
something that always had to be explained to players, and just felt off,
and the latter implimentation is more enjoyable and responsive. So
- New game mode: Instakill
- In-game menu now has a listing of players in the current server,
along with community related options: Mute, Vote to kick, Report,
- Fixed/re-implimented bug reporting in-game
- Fixed/re-implimented text chat on/off option
- Created assets for Practice Mode
- Added new tab in Options menu for Debug features, only visible in
Experimental builds
- Debug feature: cheat menu (all XP and earnings will be nullified
from the battle the moment this opens, even if you turn it back
- Debug feature: show console logs on/off (this feature is ‘done’ but
all console logging events have not been switched from Legacy Unreal to
this custom feature yet)
- Removed dirt mask post processing effect
November 2024
- Tweaked/fixed horns positions on player model’s head
- Finished fixing issues related to ending battles automatically when
lives run out
- Fix an issue with the game clock in spectator view when paused
- Created a set of ‘common’ servers for generated single player
matches (still experimental)
- Secured approval from Valve to launch under Early Access
- Fixed a bug with spine cosmetic previews
- Store page updates
- Redefined main menu button names/descriptions
- Testing Unreal export of skeletal meshes
- Updated all help/guide screens
October 2024
- Performed a stress test on service component simulating 10,000
active players
- Fixed issues with server browser player count
- Fixed/finished implimentation of [experimental feature] single
player sessions generated in the server browser
- Improved server browser buttons / layout / animations
- Fixed meteor brightness
- Fixed issue where live limits being reached were not necessarily
being considered to end the game early; now the game will automatically
end if only one player remains with time left, so they don’t need to sit
- Added/finished bot chat [experimental feature]
- Updated/fixed store page
- Fixed/improved match kill feed text
- Fixed in-game music. Now plays throughout battle with some delay
between tracks
- Made spore light taller for viewing at larger distances
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a player name would be blank in the
kill feed
- Save data DNA now includes branch name
- Improved teeth shader
- Fixed waterfall loudness
- Increased magpoint net relevancy square
- Fixed level-up in Experimental branch not working
- Improved roar and bolt fire animations
- Changed amount of orbs that spawn from death now influenced by
ability charge; the more your ability is charged the more orbs come
- Orbs now slightly slower, less travel
- All axis based inputs now have a fixed max range that they are
clamped to (for extreme cases)
- Fixed issue where Magpoint would be stuck on ‘contested’ even when
nobody is there, in single player
- Spore eggs are translucent now: and have some visual asset inside to
represent the contents inside. This gives the player more to inform
their decision making, while not totally spoiling the surprise.
September 2024
- Reduced time to spawn spores when returning to Lairworld
- Improved a few sound effects
- Fixed some spawn points on Chasm that were messed up
- Removed wind/airflow effect on ‘sprint’. This was the cause of some
strange visual artifacts specifically on Eden, which made the game look
very broken. Improvements to this effect were already planned for later,
so I just removed the effect for now with the plan of re-doing it
altogether later. As a result, the artifacts on Eden are fixed.
- Improved ambient audio on all environments.
- Brought back dirt masks in post processing. Might remove, might make
it an option.
- Fixed MORE issues with Cloak, when holding the Crown
- Music is played during matches now generally
- Made sure music plays on intro
- Updated new save data creation per branch – now separate saves with
different startup behavior
- Create Exeprimental branch upload script/pipeline
- On gamebuild tag, use universal build no. variable and build profile
- On create save data, use build profile enum
- Create/edit build profile enum variable
- Create/edit universal build no. variable
- Create warpath string format
- Went over unlocks database and adjusted prices/details
- Added ‘recycle’ of data to bots to help with handling changing of
gameplay over time
- Archived Epic’s physics asset documentation
- Created upload scripts for exp branch
- Added brand assets .zip to website
- Created commit log asset
- Created release cycle asset
- Finished doc build scripts
- Improved visibility/shadow effect on pterosaurs, bots, and
- Improved pterosaur shader, made it whitish gray
- Fixed various bugs related to using Cloak ability
- Re arranged Main Menu; Moved Loadout and Customization to main,
moved Stats to Career screen
- Cleaned up discord server and public URLs
- Fixed various bugs on the customization menu
- Created warpath data structure
- Finished/fixed ability to select “None’ for tails, horns, and
spines. Unlocked by default
- Improved bots reaction to player attacks
- Improved bots decisions regarding their interest over time
- Renamed domination to “Magpoint” – to both distinguish itself more
but also to be more accurate to the updated objective
- Fixed/finished domination zone sphere blocking magic attacks
- Removed ‘ticker’ in server browser. Will revisit this idea at a
later date…
- Cleaned up sys admin documentation in case I need help down the
- FAQ updates
- Archived old discord channels
- Created new spines
- Created new skins
- Created new eyes
- Made sure clan tags are used in log statements
- Cleaned up backend log messages formats and delivery
- Fixed issues with ‘skin warble’
- Fixed issues with death/respawning in the Lairworld
- Fixed the math used in the Unnatural perk. That was bad. I was
multiplying incoming damage by 0.2, not 0.8, in regards to its 20%
reduction promise.
- Revived feedback/request API resource & client menu
- Store page touch-ups
August 2024
- Added more options to single player post-game: Edit battle and go
again, have game randomly generate a new battle, or replay same
- Fixed player name entries no resetting when defaults button is
- Added clan tag option
- Verified bots can win games by themselves
- Cleaned up / finalized title screen
- Added server domain bypass option for testing
- Added pyrite information to help menu
- Reconfigured testing server
- Changed domination - one zone only, magic cannot travel through
- Improved domination zone art assets
- Make domination zone larger
- Fixed crown position on player model
- Patched newly found security vulns based on news from providers
- Cleaned up all websites file storage, files, delivery, to reduce
bandwidth load
- Created content guidelines
- Fixed crown holding text
- Added tooltip for player region select
- Set region in server browser to use player’s profile region by
- Made sure ‘hitflash’ effect fully restored on any new shaders
- Updated spores page in the help menu
- Started removing old debug printings
- Added “letter to the player” on first game startup
- Updated shroud description
- Improved shroud art assets
- Made shroud chase the first player it ‘sees’, making it more
- Improved dust icon
- Changed list button selected/unselected colors, made a bit more
consistent with what players are used to
- Improved bot difficulty setting impact over every mechanic
- Adjusted position XP delivery element on HUD
- Add “[BOT]” tag to bot names to make sure that’s understood
- Improved visibility of domination HUD elements
- Lowered bots difficulty minimum in the settings
- Geysers temporarily removed. Decided these will be restored at a
later date after more deliberation and testing…